Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day

Well, do I begin with my mother, her mother, or with me, a mother myself.  Let's start with my Grandma Thelma shall we.  Now let me tell you, this lady was to die for.  Her irresistible laugh, which she always covered up with her hand, brought a smile to my face often.  When she laughed, it was like watching a little girl giggle.  Her smile always contagious and her love unconditional.  Her time was not her own, but belonged to so many of her children and her grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren.  I always knew that we would see my grandmother, either in her chair by her reading lamp or on the second row of a basketball game.  She had to have been an amazing mother because when I see my mother, I see my grandmother.  Oh, and my Mom, what an amazing mom.  Sometimes when my kids are not feeling well, I will rub their heads like my mom did and still does and I wonder if my touch is as comforting as hers.  I wonder if my kids know that no matter what, I will come running when needed.  I hear my Mom was a working Mom, but I never knew it because when needed, wherever needed, she was and is always there.  The comfort and reassurance of my Mom is all I need sometimes to get me through my day.  Which leads me to well, me,  a Mom of three amazing boys.  I write this often but these little guys are truly the greatest gift a Mother could ask for.  As their Mom, I get to see those little smiles brighten up our home.  I get to hear those little giggles from two little boys that should be asleep.  And I get to see my baby learning something new daily.  There is nothing more fulfilling in this world than the voice of a little boy telling me how much they love me.  These guys mean the world to me and I honored to be their Mom. 

  • I love my open mouth slobbery kisses from Ryker.

  • I love my knuckles, high fives, hugs, and kisses from Gannon.

  • I love my To the Stars and Back, Like the Sun Sun Sun, and With All my Heart from Hudsen.

I love being Hudsen, Gannon, and Ryker's Mom.

So Happy Mother's Day

To Valerie (you raised an amazing Son) 

To Fonda (you are truly of lady of love)

To Tonia (you are a wonderful friend and mother)

To Kristi (you teach me daily)


To MY MOM (there is no one that even touches your place in my heart!)